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KillClient - Kill client

The KillClient command can kill a specific client.

When the client is running several applications on his machine all applications are canceled. A warning is sent to the client that it is going to be killed, except the warning is suppressed by passing no as info parameter.

When clients have terminated abnormally no message can be sent. The result is that the server waits for the client to receive the kill message. Hence, in this case, 0 should be passed as timeout parameter.

KillClient server port id [timeout] [info]


server - server url or IP address

port - port number for the server passed when starting the server

id -  the id is the number for the client shown in the ShowClients command.

timeout - The KillClient command waits "timeout" seconds (default: 300) before killing the clients.For killing dead clients without message one may pass 0 as timeout value.

info - message option (yes or no). Passing no will suppress sending a kill message to the client