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Error handling

There are two kind of errors that may appear. Server errors are errors that appear when starting up the server. In this case, an error is written to the error log defined in the TRACE option (environment) variable.

Another type of errors are response errors, i.e. errors caused by incorrect HTTP requests or errors that appear when processing the request. In case of response errors, a JSON string containing error code and message is returned:

{ code=number, message="string" }

number - is an internal termination code. Usually, error codes returned to a request are negative. Termination codes for requests executed successfully (inserted, deleted, etc.) are positive.

string - more detailed error message. The error message may also contain more detailed information in case of database access errors or exceptions.

string and number follow the syntax rules described in Symbol reference / Values, formats and encoding.


  1. errorCode - Internal termination codes
  2. GetHTTPError - HTTP error codes