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ADKS_RadioGroup - Radio button group

Inherits:  ADK_Style

Radio button groups are typically used for displaying single or multiple choice data sources. Mainly, radio button groups are used for selecting an enumeration value from a list of enumerators (single choice). One also might use radio button groups to associate one or more elements from a collection to a subset.

When displaying enumerator attributes or single values with a defined base collection, the base collection (enumeration) will be displayed in the control and the current value in the data source becomes the selected (checked) radio button.

Radio buttons can be arranged vertical, horizontal or in a grid depending on grid cell definitions for the control. In order to arrange radio buttons horizontally, grid rows should be set to any value greater than 0 and grid columns has to be set to 0. When the collection (enumeration) to be displayed in the radio button group contains more values than rows defined for the grid, required rows are created on demand.

In order to arrange radio buttons vertically, grid columns should be set to any value greater than 0 and grid rows has to be set to 0. When the collection (enumeration) to be displayed in the radio button group contains more values than columns defined for the grid, required columns are created on demand.

When defining a grid with multiple columns and multiple rows, radio buttons are stored in the grid from left to right and rows will be added, when the number of grid cells is not sufficient.
