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LATIN1 - String values (latin1 8 bit encoding) (internal class - not supported as interface)

Latin1 string properties are Latin1 8 bit character fields with variable size. The end of the string is indicated with a 0 -character (0-terminated string).

Defining variable string fields as attributes will always occupy storage with the defined size. In order to optimize storing large text instances, the property can be defined as reference. LATIN1 or STRING type properties defined as reference (memo) are, from a conceptual point of view, attributes. Technical, however, they are considered as references and need to be defined as such.

LATIN1 fields are an ODABA specific extension.


STRING is the old text type name for LATIN1. Both might be used, but comparing data types, STRING is different from LATIN1 . It is suggested using LATIN1 rather than STRING.