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TypeDefinition - Type definition

Type definitions refer to metadata objects providing information about complex data types and enumerations. Mainly, type definitions provide meta-information for a property or extent. Type definitions may be obtained from Dictionary , Property , Value or PropertyDefinitions by calling typeDefinition() .

Type definitions for user-defined data types usually refer to elements, i.e. to properties in case of complex data type definition or to enumerators in case of enumerations. Property definitions can be retrieved by propertyDefinition() . Enumerators for an enumeration can be made available by calling enumeratorDefinition() .

Type definitions refer to resources defined in the dictionary of the database. when closing the database, type definitions may become inaccessible and should be destroyed before.

Some of the properties are not directly defined in the schema definition, but are derived from the schema definition. Thus, functions like isOdabaObject() are combining several information in order to derive the property.

In addition, ...Count properties are provided in order to return the number of subordinated elements (e.g. attributeCount() ).

// OSI fragment

... fragment ( Person &pers ) {


  TypeDefinition  td    = pers.typeDefinition();

  int             count = td.attributeCount();


  while ( --count > 0 )



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