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DBFieldDef :: IsTyped - Does property refer to a fixed data type?

A property is considered as typed, when it has got a fixed type, i.e. it is nor weak-typed or untyped. Properties, which do not define collections are typed, always.

The property return true , when it is typed and false otherwise.

When the function is called with an invalid property definition, it throws an exception.

Return value:  Return value ( logical  )

The function returns YES when the question was answered positively. Otherwise it returns NO .

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. - internal feature (not documented)
    logical DBFieldDef  :: IsTyped (  )
  2. to list
  3. - internal feature (not documented)
    logical DBFieldDef  :: IsTyped ( logical id_opt )
    • id_opt - - internal feature (not documented)
  4. to list