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DataSourceHandle :: SetDBObject - Set DBObjectHandle

The function allows setting an opened DBObjectHandle as DBObjectHandle for the DataSourceHandle . A DBObjectHandle set with this function is not closed when calling ( CloseDBObject ()). When the DataSourceHandle has already opened it will be closed ( CloseDBObject ()) before setting the new DBObjectHandle .

Return value:  Success ( logical  )

Implementation details

logical DataSourceHandle  :: SetDBObject ( DBObjectHandle &obhandle_refc, NString &w_objname=NString::Null() )
  • obhandle_refc - Constant reference to database object handle

    The reference refers to an opened or not opened database object handle.

  • w_objname - Object name

    The object name refers to the database object name in a database object hierarchy. It may contain a complete path in the hierarchy, but also a sub path relative to its parent. Names on different hierarchy levels are separated by '.'.

    Default: NString::Null()