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PropertyHandle :: ProvideArea - Provide instance area

The function provides the instance area for a selected property instance. When no instance is selected for a single reference, the function provides an initialized area. When no instance is selected in the upper property handle or when no instance is selected in a collection handle the function returns NULL.


This function will create instances when the appropriate access mode is set (>Read)

Return value:  Instance area ( ::Instance  )

Instances do have the type of the referenced property handle (collection type). The instance contains a pointer to a properly structured instance area.

You can use the !-operator or the GetData () function to check whether the instance refers to data or not.

Implementation details

::Instance PropertyHandle  :: ProvideArea ( char chkopt=AUTO )
  • chkopt - Check option

    The option forces the function to check the property handle before running executing the function. You can pass NO to avoid unnecessary checking.

    Default: AUTO