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DataSource :: sharedDatabase - SHARE option

This option is required when running the database in a file server mode for sharing the database between users (multi-user access).

false - database is used exclusively

true - database can be shared between different applications


Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Is database requested for shared use?
    bool DataSource  :: sharedDatabase (  )

    The function returns true , when a shared database access has been requested. The value does not necessarily reflect the current state of the database.

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  3. Set shared use option for database
    bool DataSource  :: sharedDatabase ( bool bState )

    In order to use the database simultaneously with other users, the option must be set to true . For requesting exclusive access, false should be set. The option has to be set before opening the database.

    • bState - Success

      The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

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