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Database :: unerase - Unerase database entry

The function returns true, when unerase succeeded. When the passed entry number is not valid, the function returns false. In case of an invalid database handle, the function throws an exception.

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation details

bool Database  :: unerase ( int64 vLOID )

The function tries to unerase the database entry passed in vLOID. After reactivating (unerasing) a database entry it becomes accessible, again. Instance database entries may be read via VOID "extent" and entry number ( get(int64 vLOID) ).

The function works properly, only, as long as no database copy or pack has been running.

  • vLOID - Local object identifier

    The LOID is passed as 64-bit integer. 0 is considered as empty LOID. -1 is also considered as empty, but it is used often for indicating automatic value or no result.