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Date :: compare - Compare dates

The function compares the date stored in the object with the date passed in the parameter.

The function returns -1 when the date is lower than the date passed as parameter, 1 when the the date is greater than the one passed and 0 , when both values are equal.

The function throws an exception, when values are invalid or not comparable.

Return value:  Compare result ( int32  )

The result of a comparison is an integer value with the following meaning:

  • 0: both operands have the same value
  • 1: the calling operand is greater than the passed operand
  • -1: the calling operand is smaller than the passed operand

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Compare two dates
    int32 Date  :: compare ( odaba::Date &cDate )

    The function compares the date value with the date value passed in cDate .

    • cDate - Date

      The date contains day, month and year, but not the time.

  2. to list
  3. Compare date value with string data
    int32 Date  :: compare ( odaba::String &sDate )

    The function compares the date value with the date passed in sDate .

    • sDate - Date value in string format

      Date values can be passed in different ways as string value:

      Standard: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd

      English: mm/dd/yyyy


      The type of date is determined from the separator used.

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