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ObjectSpace :: eventHandling - Event handling property

The property indicates, whether event handling is enabled ( true ) or not ( false ). When event handling is disabled, events are not handled by application event handlers.


Application event handlers are supported by the system interface, only. Mainly, application event handlers are used by the GUI framework and the function might be called in order to suppress sending data events to the GUI framework.

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Is event handling enabled?
    bool ObjectSpace  :: eventHandling (  )

    The function returns, whether event handling is enabled ( true ) or not ( false ).

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  3. Change event handling state
    bool ObjectSpace  :: eventHandling ( bool bEnable )

    The function allows disabling sending data events to the application. Passing false in bEnable will disable event handling. Passing true will enabling event handling.


    Disabling event handling might become dangerous in a GUI application, since the GUI framework will not react as long as data events are disabled. Thus, the application has to make sure, that event handling will be activated in any case after processing the request.

    • bEnable - Enable resource

      In order to enable the referenced resource true should be passed. Passing false will disable the resource.

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