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Property :: accessible - Is property accessible

The property checks, whether the property is able to access data or not, i.e. whether access functions ( get() , next() etc.) can be called in order to select instances in the property handle or extract data ( value...() ). The function returns true , when accessing data is possible and false otherwise.

Typically, a property handle is not accessible, when the property has a parent property, but no instance is selected in the parent property handle or when the property handle is not opened (invalid).

The function may also be called in order to check, whether a property extension has been created for an extendable instance or not. As long as the property extension hes not been created implicitly or explicitly, the function returns false .

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation details

bool Property  :: accessible (  )