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Property :: guid - Get global identity string for the current instance

The function returns the global instance identity (GUID) for the currently selected instance.

The function returns a global instance identity also when the property handle refers to a new instance where the global identity has been set explicitly. Thus, e.g. when copying instances you might ask for the global identity that has been shipped with the source instance.

When no GUID has been defined for the data type (not derived from __OBJECT ) the function returns the local object identity (LOID), which is a unique identifier within the database.

The function returns the identity as string, when an instance could be located. Otherwise, the function throws an exception.

Return value:  GUID in string format ( odaba::String & )

The GUID is a 16 byte global unique identifier. The GUID string is the GUID converted into string format.

This GUID is a unique instance identifier within all ODABA databases. GUIDs are available for instances that are derived directly or indirectly from __OBJECT . When generatesGUID property is set in the type definition, the GUID is generated when creating an instance. Otherwise it has to be provided using provideGUID() .

Implementation details

odaba::String Property  :: guid (  )