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Property :: isValidForParent - Is subhandle valid for parent passed

When an application uses dynamical property hierarchies, in which property handle may change, the function can be used in order to check, whether a property handle in the hierarchy is still valid.

The function checks, whether the property handle is a sub-handle of the parent property handle passed to the function. When the property is a valid sub-handle, the function returns the level of subordination, e.g. 1 for directly subordinated properties, 2 for sub sub properties etc. When the property is not a valid sub-handle for the property handle passed in cProperty , the function return 0 .


The property handle needs not to be a directly subordinated handle, but the passed parent must be one of the property handles in the parent hierarchy.

Return value:   - internal feature (not documented) ( int32  )

Implementation details

int32 Property  :: isValidForParent ( odaba::Property &cProperty )
  • cProperty - Property reference

    A property handle refers to a (usually) opened property. Invalid properties may cause an exception.