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Property :: isVariableType - May type of instances change?

The function returns true , when the instances selected in the property handle may have different types. This is the case, when the property handle has been been opened as VOID property.

Properties defined as fixed type VOID collections are considered as variable type properties until the first instance is stored, which will fix the type of the collection.

The function throws an exception, when the property handle is not valid.


Weak-typed collections are not considered as variavle type properties, since they will not change its base type. In order to check, whether a collection is weak-typed or not, you may check the weakTyped() property in the TypeDefinition for the collection.

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation details

bool Property  :: isVariableType (  )