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Property :: statistic - Calculate statistic values for a collection

The function returns the statistic values (x0:count, x1:sum, x2:square sum) for an attribute/expression for a collection. In case of an error, the function throws an exception.

Return value:  Value ( odaba::Value & )

Value of any type.

Implementation details

odaba::Value Property  :: statistic ( odaba::String &sName )

The function calculates statistic values for the attribute path or expression passed in sExpression over all instances in the collection. When a filter condition has been set, only instances filtered by condition are considered. The value returned is a statistic object ( SDB_Statistic ).

The expression passed must be a valid numeric property or expression in the context of the instances to be aggregated.


In general, using the statistic function and calculating statistical values at the end may improve performance compared with using sum, average, deviation etc.

  • sName - Name