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Property :: superset - Get collection handle for superset (base collection)

The function returns the superset (base collection) property handle, when a superset has been defined for the collection (relationship or extent). Otherwise the function throws an exception.

For relationships, the returned property handle is a subordinated handle to the current property handle, i.e. the superset may change whenever the collection in the current property handle changes (or the instance in the parent property changes).

Return value:  Property reference ( odaba::Property  )

A property handle refers to a (usually) opened property. Invalid properties may cause an exception.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get property handle for default superset
    odaba::Property Property  :: superset (  )

    The function returns the property handle for the default superset for the collection (if there is any). When no superset has been defined, the function throws an exception.

    For extents, which may have got more than one superset, the function returns the property handle for the first superset, if there is any (same as superset( 0 ) );

  2. to list
  3. Get property handle for superset by position
    odaba::Property Property  :: superset ( int32 iPosition )

    The function should be called for extent properties in order to obtain the property handle for one of several defined supersets at position iPosition in the superset list. For relationships or extents with only one superset it is more appropriate to call superset() or superset( 0 ) .

    • iPosition - Position in collection

      The position of an element in a collection is beginning with 0 for the first element.

  4. to list