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String :: splitTop - Extract leading string

The function returns the string before the first split sequence or character and removes it including first split sequence or character from the current string. When split sequence or character could not be found, the result contains the complete string value and the current string becomes empty.

Return value:  String value ( odaba::String & )

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Extract leading string before split character
    odaba::String String  :: splitTop ( int32 iValue )

    The function extracts the leading string before the first split character passed in iValue .

    • iValue - Integer value

      The value is passed as platform independent 32-bit integer value.

  2. to list
  3. Extract leading string before split sequence
    odaba::String String  :: splitTop ( odaba::String &cString )

    The function extracts the leading string before the first split sequence passed in cString .

    • cString - Constant string object

      When iPosition exceeds the string length or when the string is empty, the the function returns -1 (lower).

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