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TypeContext :: visible - Visible property

Instances can be set to visible or hidden. The property provides a feature of limiting access (e.g. for unauthorized users). When the property is set to false , instances are not selected when attempting to read them.

The visibility property can also be set for filtering data in a type context handler. When setting the visible state to false (e.g. in the doAfterRead() handler) the Property ::get() function will return an error. Iteration functions as Property ::next() will skip hidden instances.

The state is typically set in the doAfterRead() handler. When resetting or changing the selection in the property handle the state is automatically reset to true (visible). You may, however, reset the state explicitly.


The visible property reflects special display states. Thus, calling visible(true) has the same effect as calling displayState(Visible) . Calling visible(false) is the same as calling displayState(Hidden) .

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Get visible state
    bool TypeContext  :: visible (  )

    The function returns the current state of the visible property.

  2. to list
  3. Set visible state
    bool TypeContext  :: visible ( bool bVisible )
    • bVisible - Data is visible

      In order to hide data the option must be set to false . In order to make data visible, it has to be set to true .

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