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HTTP :: GET - HTTP GET request

The function supports submitting a HTTP GET request to the WEB server passed in sURL .The requested information is stored in a result area and may be obtained by calling result() . The result area will be cleared when submitting the next POST() or GET() request.

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Submitting request with default header
    bool HTTP  :: GET ( odaba::String &sURL )

    The function submits the request creating a default header, which may be displayed when creating the HTTP instance with bVerbose option set to true .

    • sURL - URI string

      The URL string is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) with the following syntax:


      At least, a path is required for a valid URI.

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  3. Submitting request with specific header data
    bool HTTP  :: GET ( odaba::String &sURL, odaba::String &sHeader )

    In order to provide specific header data when submitting the request, Header data may be passed in sHeader .

    • sURL - URI string

      The URL string is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) with the following syntax:


      At least, a path is required for a valid URI.

    • sHeader - HTML message header

      Header options passed in the string have to be separated by new lines (\n). Header options have to be passed with option keyword and value separated by colon (:).

      Content-Type: text/xml

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  5. Submitting request with authentication
    bool HTTP  :: GET ( odaba::String &sURL, odaba::String &sUser, odaba::String &sPassword )

    In order to provide authentication data according to basic RFC 2617 authentication, user name ( sUser ) and password ( sPassword ) have to be provided. The function creates authentication header data and submits the request.

    • sURL - URI string

      The URL string is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) with the following syntax:


      At least, a path is required for a valid URI.

    • sUser - User name
    • sPassword - User's password
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