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Installing ODABA under Linux

The following types of installations are provided for Linux:

  • Source code ( odaba-nn.n.n.tar.bz2 )
  • Documentation ( )
  • Additional plugins ( odaba-plugins-nn.n.n.tar.bz2 )
  • ODABA sample and development databases ( )

where nn.n.n refers to the current version number (e.g. 12.3.0).

Documentation, which is also provided online, might be installed also on a local folder.

Source package

For Linux, no binaries are delivered. Source packages have to be compiled with the required compiler.


Documentation, which is also provided online, is also provided for local installation. In order to install ODABA documentation , the documentation package may be copied from the file, where n.n.n is the current version number. In order to start the HTML documentation for ODABA or ODABA GUI, one has to start

  • .../HTMLDoc/odaba/index.html or
  • .../HTMLDoc/odabagui/index.html
Plugin packages

Plugin packages provide several user controls for the ODABA GUI framework. Plugin packages are provided as source packages and have to be compiled for the used compiler version.


In order to install ODABA development databases, the database package may be copied from the file, where n.n.n is the current version number.

Beside several sample databases the package contains the ODABA development databases, which contain the complete ODABA and GUI framework code, as well as design and documentation. This provides direct access to ODABA development resources and allow customizing tools for specific requirements.