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Enumeration definition

An enumeration defines a list of enumerated values. Enumerations are used for defining value domains, which describe the extension of permissible values in terms of value domain items (enumerators). An enumeration may define a hierarchical structure of values (classification).

In ODABA enumerations may form a hierarchical structure and may refer to a class type. An enumeration may be used as global data type, but also as list of subcategories for another enumerator. An enumeration may act as list of subcategories for any number of values.


  1. Enumeration declaration element
  2. Enumeration definition
  3. base_type - Enumeration base type
  4. Enumerator list
  5. Enumerator instance (category)
  6. type - Associated object type
  7. __AUTOIDENT - Category value
  8. condition - Enumerator condition