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Basic type specification

Basic types are types, which are predefined in the database. In contrast to the ODMG standard, ODABA supports some additional basic types as described below. Some extensions have been made also to specific type specifications.


base_type_spec := floating_pt_type | integer_type | char_len_types | boolean_type | octet_type | date_type | time_type | timestamp_type | bit_type

Related topics


  1. REAL - Float point number
  2. owning_w - Integer or decimal number
  3. Sized character fields
  4. LOGICAL - Boolean values
  5. Octet values
  6. DATE - Date values
  7. TIME - Time value
  8. DATE_TIME - Timestamp
  9. BIT - Bit strings
  10. BLOB - Binary large objects
  11. VOID - Unknown type