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OSI context functions

When using OSI for implementing handler functions, associated context classes have to be defined in the development (resource) database or have to be pre-loaded when starting up the application. Thus, it becomes a bit uncomfortable using OSI context class programming without using ODE ClassEditor.

Another way is using the dynamical OSI loader. When passing a folder location to the application by setting OSI_Library option in the application section, the system loads all OSI files (files with extension defined in the library path) when opening the dictionary. Later on, the system checks OSI context classes by reading the context class name from the resource reference associated with a development resource going to be activated and looks for the appropriate context class.

This technology is more flexible, but the risk for mistakes is high and we suggest implementing OSI functions in the resource database using the ClassEditor .

In order to associate an OSI context class with a database resource, the context class has to be referenced in the resource reference linked with the resource.