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Managed instance versioning

Managed instance versioning supports traversing instance history. Older minor versions may be inconsistent, since relationships and collections are not handled in a consistent way. This is sufficient, as long the interest is focused on the instance attributes and string or binary data references of related instances. Major versions are always consistent.

Except the number of versions supported, managedInstance Versioning behaves similar as instance scope versioning .

Concerning minor versions, managedInstance versioning behaves similar as object space versioning , except that the number of minor versions for each major version is limited to 65535. When creating a new major version ( Database ::createMajorVersion() ), the minor version number for all instances is reset to 0.

// DBVersion Utility: set version mode local

  DBVersion.exe c:\Sample\sample.dat mode -M:MI

// set version mode from within a program: ;

... fragment ( Database &dbh ) {

