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Trace messages

In order to trace application specific events, one may also activate trace messages by setting the option


In this case, an additional trace.lst file is written to the directory referenced in the TRACE option. The ODABA system provides several trace features, which may be activated on demand.

  • Recording start time for GUI applications (always active, when trace messages are activated)
    • Recording email actions (always active, when trace messages are activated)
    • Recording automatic index repair operations (always active, when trace messages are activated)
    • Recording ODABA server start/stop actions (always active, when trace messages are activated)
    • Recording dynamically loaded functions (always active, when trace messages are activated)
    • Trace stack in case of abnormal termination (always active under Linux, when trace messages are activated)
  • Recording program/batch job calls (when TRACE_COMMAND=YES is set in addition)
  • Record output messages (when Options.SystemIO.Progress.trace=YES is set in addition)
  • Record start/stop for internal transactions (when TransactionLog is set to YES , ALL or INTERN in addition)
  • Record start/stop for external (application) transactions (when TransactionLog is set to YES , ALL or EXTERN in addition)