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Knowledge Presentation

Terminology models reflect principles of knowledge presentation by means of human language, i.e. here, knowledge presentation is considered as one way of expressing knowledge in terms of human language.

There are other ways of expressing knowledge like formulas or pictures. Transferring knowledge between human beings, however, is often based on human language consisting of terms with an agreed meaning. Some essential principals of human language are subject of TM and are described below.

Subject of terminology studies is defining the meaning of terms used in human language, the concepts. Thus, terminology is an essential part of knowledge presentation by means of human language. A common way of defining concepts and terns is described in [1087], which defines concepts and concept relations as important part of terminology definitions.

TM is based on concepts and concept relations as being defined in [1087]. But terminology is more than defining concepts. Terminology provides common rules in order to express specific views to the world. A specific view to the world, however, expresses the way experts have experienced a specific subject area.

It is not the intention of this paper to provide a complete definition of knowledge presentation. Instead, it will focus on several aspects of knowledge presentation, which are subject of a knowledge presentation by means of terminology. Several principles of expressing knowledge by means of human language are in focus of the paper:

  • Discovering objects
  • Building objects classes
  • Defining object types as abstraction of objects
  • Grouping objects in object collections
  • Classifying object in order to create object collections
  • Describing behavior of objects
  • Describing causalities by means of cause and reaction

These aspects of knowledge presentation have been subject of the development of TM. This chapter will introduce concepts describing these aspects without defining them in detail, i.e. it only explains, what is the meaning of these concepts. A more precise definition of the concepts is given in chapter "Terminology Model Object Types".