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Property :: executeTemplate - Execute OSI inline template

The function executes an OSI template string and returns the result string.

Inline templates may refer to data type members and functions (OSI) including base type members and functions. Inline templates are always called without parameters.

After resolving the inline template during the first call, it will be stored as data type member (function) using the name passed in sName . The application must ensure the uniqueness of function names for a data type.

Return value:  String value ( odaba::String & )

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Execute OSI inline template
    odaba::String Property  :: executeTemplate ( odaba::String vTemplate )

    The template expression passed in vTemplate will be analyzed each time when being called, i.e. changes can be made during run-time.

    • vTemplate - OSI inline template

      An inline template can be passed simple text template. An OSI template string is an OSI template expression without headline and $end$ statement. Usually, the template consists of the code ( $process$ ) section, only. If necessary, one may also add a $variables$ section at the beginning of the template.

      Template expressions are supposed to be called without parameters and returning a result string.

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  3. Execute OSI inline template
    odaba::String Property  :: executeTemplate ( odaba::String &sName, odaba::String vTemplate )

    Calling the template the first time, it will be resolved and stored under the name passed in sName . Each further template call will refer to the resolved template and ignores the template string passed in vTemplate , e.g. in order to run another template, another function name has to be passed in sName .

    • sName - Name
    • vTemplate - OSI inline template

      An inline template can be passed simple text template. An OSI template string is an OSI template expression without headline and $end$ statement. Usually, the template consists of the code ( $process$ ) section, only. If necessary, one may also add a $variables$ section at the beginning of the template.

      Template expressions are supposed to be called without parameters and returning a result string.

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