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Property :: isTransient - Is property transient

Attributes as well as references might be defined implicitly or explicitly as transient properties. Transient properties contain information, which is available during the life time of the process, only. Attributes in transient instances automatically (implicit) become transient, also when not being defined as transient attributes in the property definition. Transient collection properties may be stored as temporary or transient collections.

The property returns true , when it refers to a transient attribute or collection and false otherwise. The property throws an exception, when the property handle is not valid.

For transient references, the result of the function depends on the property handle currently set in the transient property ( setTransientProperty() ). In order to check, whether a property handle refers to a property defined as transient property or not, one may call propertyDefinition().isTransientAttribute() or propertyDefinition().isTransientReference() .

Properties in transient instances are always transient. Instances in transient collections may be stored as temporary, transient or persistent instances. Hence, the transient state of a property depends on the parent instance, when not being defined explicitly in the property definition. Thus, "persistent" attributes in a transient (e.g. Person ) instance become transient, although not being defined as such.

Return value:  Success ( bool  )

The value is true when the function was executed successfully. Otherwise the value is set to false .

Implementation details

bool Property  :: isTransient (  )