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ODABAClient :: ODABAClient - Constructor

To run an application in client/server mode at least one client must be constructed for an application. The first client created is the main client that should be created at the very beginning of the application and that should be closed at the very end of the application.

In addition a number of other clients can be created to connect to different servers in one application. When creating a main client an ini file can be provided to the constructor. This ini file defines the application section.

System and catalog sections are read from the ODABA.ini-file that is stored in the ODABA installation path. It is, however, possible to provide separate system and catalog definitions for the client with the passed ini-file. In this case the passed ini-file must contain either the system and catalog sections or it must refer to an ini-file that contains these sections by defining the path for the system ini-file in the variable SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT .

The ini-file passed to the client must contain a section with the name of the application or (when no application name has been passed) a section with the name APPLICATION_DATA.

Implementation details

  1. Copy constructor
    ODABAClient  :: ODABAClient ( ODABAClient &client_refc )

    The copy constructor creates a new handle, which refers to the same client object.

    • client_refc - Reference to client handle
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  3. Create client from ini-file
    ODABAClient  :: ODABAClient ( NPath &ini_file, NString &application_name=NString::Null(), NPath &progpath=NULL, ::ApplicationTypes application_type=APT_Console )

    The system environment for the client is created from the SYSTEM section in the ini-file. When not working with a UtilityHandle , this constructor should be called before creating any data source and any other client in order to initialize the main client properly with the configuration or ini-file passed to the function.

    • ini_file - Application ini-file
    • application_name - Allocation name Default: NString::Null()
    • progpath - Program path

      This is the path that is usually passed as first argument to the application.

      Default: NULL
    • application_type - Application type

      This option indicates that the application will run as console or windows application.

      Default: APT_Console
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  5. Dummy constructor
    ODABAClient  :: ODABAClient (  )

    The constructor creates an empty client. Empty clients are sufficient for opening a dictionary in an application, which does not require system information (e.g. error texts) from the system database.

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