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Property :: moveUp - Move instance one position up

The position of an instance can be moved up in an unordered collection or in a collection with an __AUTOIDENT access key. Moving the instance up in an unordered collection will change the position of the instance, only. Moving an instance up in a collection with an __AUTOIDENT access key will update the value in the __AUTOIDENT attribute of the instance.

The function moves the positioned instance the requested number of positions upwards in the collection.

The function will throw an exception when being called for any other type of collection or when the property handle is not positioned.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. Move up
    Property  :: moveUp ( int32 iCount )

    The function moves the currently positioned instance iCount positions upwards in the collection. When iCount is negative or larger than the position of the currently positioned instance, the instance will be moved to the top of the collection.

    • iCount - Number of items

      The value contains the number of items to be processed or stored in a collection.

  2. to list
  3. Move down one position
    Property  :: moveUp (  )

    The function moves the currently selected instance 1 position upwards in the collection.

  4. to list