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GUIBaseContext :: permitted - - internal feature (not documented)

Return value:  Return code ( int32  )

A return code 0 indicates, that the function was terminated successfully. All other return codes indicate an error.

Implementation overview

Implementation details

  1. - internal feature (not documented)
    int32 GUIBaseContext  :: permitted ( odaba::String &sActionName )
    • sActionName - Action name

      The action name is a name of an action implemented in the context class related to the database source or implemented as default action. Actions can be implemented as expressions, as C++ functions or as .NET function.

      In order to pass no action name, an empty string ( String () ) may be passed.

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  3. - internal feature (not documented)
    int32 GUIBaseContext  :: permitted ( odaba::String &sActionName, odaba::String &sTypeName )
    • sActionName - Action name

      The action name is a name of an action implemented in the context class related to the database source or implemented as default action. Actions can be implemented as expressions, as C++ functions or as .NET function.

      In order to pass no action name, an empty string ( String () ) may be passed.

    • sTypeName - Type name

      The type name is the name of a data type (usually) defined in the database. The type name might be passed as simple identifier or as scoped name with preceding namespace names separated by double colon '::'.

      In order to pass no type name, an empty string ( String() ) may be passed.

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