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  1. Quick Starter Guide
  2. Reference documentation
    1. Design references
      1. Application design
      2. Defining dialog properties
      3. Control design
      4. Event action schema
      5. Common resources
    2. Design classes
    3. GUI Model reference
    4. ODE options
    5. Action reference
      1. Default actions
        1. ActionLogPause - Pause action log replay (Ctrl+Alt+F11)
        2. ActionLogRecord - Start recording actions in action log (Ctrl+Alt+F10)
        3. ActionLogRun - Start replaying action log (Ctrl+Alt+F12)
        4. ActionLogStop - Stop recording actions in action log (Ctrl+Alt+F9)
        5. Associate - Associate entry from base collection (Ctrl+Shift+F5)
        6. AppendEntry - Append (new) entry (Shift+Ctrl+A)
        7. BrowseDirectory - Browse directories (Shift+Ctrl+B,D)
        8. BrowseFiles - Browse file for processing (Shift+Ctrl+B,F)
        9. BrowseManyFiles - Browse many file for processing (Shift+Ctrl+B,M)
        10. BrowseWriteFiles - Browse new file for processing (Shift+Ctrl+B,F)
        11. CopyEntry - Copy entry within a collection (F5)
        12. CopySelected - Copy selected entries within a collection (Shift+F5)
        13. CSVExport - Export list/table content to .csv file (Ctrl+E,C)
        14. DeleteEntry - Delete entry from reference (Del)
        15. DeleteSelected - Delete selected entries from reference (Shift+Del)
        16. DeleteSet - Delete all collection instances (Ctrl+Del)
        17. EditEntry - Edit currently selected entry (F4)
        18. Exit - Exit application (Ctrl+Q)
        19. ExportFile - Export text to file (Ctrl+Shift+E,F)
        20. FindEntry - Find next entry (F3)
        21. Goto - Go to line or paragraph (Ctrl+G)
        22. Help - Display context related help (Shift+F1)
        23. ImportFile - import text from a file (Ctrl+Shift+I,F)
        24. InsertEntry - Insert (new) entry before current position (Shift+Ctrl+I)
        25. Maximize - Maximize multi-line edit control (Ctrl+F11)
        26. MoveDown - Move instance upwards (Shift+Down)
        27. MoveUp - Move instance upwards (Shift+Up)
        28. NewFindEntry - Find text entry in list or text field (Ctrl+F3)
        29. NextVersion - Select next version (Ctrl+Shift+Right)
        30. NextEntry - Select next entry (Ctrl+Right)
        31. PlainText - Display and edit plain text (Ctrl+F10)
        32. PreviousEntry - Select previous entry (Ctrl+Left)
        33. PreviousVersion - Select previous version (Ctrl+Shift+Left)
        34. ProcessAction - Process action
        35. Refresh - Refresh list items
        36. RemoveEntry - Remove entry from reference (Del)
        37. RemoveSelected - Remove selected entries from reference (Shift-Del)
        38. RemoveSet - Remove all instances from collection (Ctrl+Del)
        39. RenameSelected - Rename all selected entries
        40. RenameSelected - Rename all selected entries
        41. ResetSelection - Reset previously set selection filter
        42. RestoreDefaults - Enable list default settings
        43. SetSelection - Set selection filter for collection
        44. Store data to data source
        45. TextBackColor - Set text background color
        46. TextBar - Show text edit bar (F10)
        47. TextBold - Use bold face style (Ctrl+B)
        48. TextCenter - Center text (Ctrl+T,C)
        49. TextColor - Set text color
        50. TextFont - Change text font
        51. TextFontBigger - Increase text size
        52. TextFontSmaller - Decrease text size
        53. TextItalic - Use italic style (Ctrl+I)
        54. TextJustify - Justify text (Ctrl+T,J)
        55. TextLeft - Allign text left (Ctrl+T,L)
        56. TextRight - Allign text right (Ctrl+T,R)
        57. TextStrikeOut - Strike out text (Ctrl+O)
        58. TextStyleCircle - Set circle list style (Ctrl+L,C)
        59. TextStyleDecimal - Set number list style (Ctrl+L,N)
        60. TextStyleDisc - Set disc list style (Ctrl+L,D)
        61. TextStyleIndent - Increase text indent level
        62. TextStyleLowerAlpha - Set lower case letter list style (Ctrl+L,L)
        63. TextStyleNoList - Reset list style (Ctrl+L,X)
        64. TextStyleSquare - Set square list style (Ctrl+L,S)
        65. TextStyleUnIndent - Decrease text indent level
        66. TextStyleUpperAlpha - Set upper case letter list style (Ctrl+L,L)
        67. TextTopMarginLess - Decrease top margins
        68. TextTopMarginMore - Increase top margins
        69. TextUnderline - Underline text (Ctrl+U)
        70. ZoomIn - ToDefault - Restore default size for multi-line edit control (Ctrl+F12)
        71. UpdateEntries - Update collection instances
      2. Action elements
      3. Common ODE actions
    6. Error classes
  3. ODABA Development Environment (ODE)
    1. Initialize development database
    2. Test Framework
      1. Rules and principles for test frameworks
      2. Test framework actions (Linux)
      3. Test framework actions (Windows)
      4. Test Browser
        1. Using TestBrowser
        2. Action reference
        3. Database access
    3. Browser applications
    4. Common Features
    5. Terminology builder
    6. Class Editor
      1. Introduction
      2. Create projects
      3. Administrating the ClassEditor
      4. Defining an ODABA object model
      5. Implementing methods
      6. Edit resource objects
      7. Create reference documentation
    7. Designer
    8. Object Commander
    9. Activity log
  4. ODABA GUI Framework - Concepts