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Create one or more HTML documents

The action creates HTML documents based on OSI template expressions. The root folder for generated HTML files has to be passed in option Options.Documentation.DocumentTarget . A sub folder with the name of the item to be created will be created before generating the default HTML document hierarchy.

HTML documentation will be generated in the running application. Generating HTML documentation is based on a set of internal OSI functions implemented in the VOID (any type) class, which is base type for any persistent data type. Hence, HTML documentation appears in ODABA documentation style. When the generated pages look terrible, ODABA style sheets default.css and ODABADoc.css should be copied from the ...odaba/tpl folder to the template type folder (e.g. Classes for class documentation).

The example below shows an implementation of a context action for executing HTML document generation. When reimplementing the action, one may omit the second parameter in order to simplify the folder hierarchy. Since generating HTML files tries to optimize the document generation, existing files will not be generated again and have to be removed in order to be updated.


When generating HTML for implementation classes (Class reference), a consistent set of HTML pages will be created, which also includes referenced classes. Thus, generating class references may take a while.