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Administrating the ClassEditor

Usually, default settings are sufficient for running the class editor. By changing different options or external processes, one may however, improve the way the ClassEditor works in a specific environment. ClassEditor services are mainly focused on creating and managing database and source code definitions and documentation.

For defining the data model, wizard and edit functions are provided as well as built-in data model check functions. There is nothing special that needs to be configured. As long as an application is implemented using OSI script, one may use the ClassEditor without any specific settings.

When going to implement code in C++ or C#, option settings and externally provided procedures should be revised and adapted to specific requirements. This becomes possible by setting special options and updating action specification for external processes.

One might also change generation rules or ClassEditor application logic by changing the ClassEditor implementation as being provided in . project Designer .(application rules) and adk (OSI functions). It is not suggested to change business rules, which are provided in (projects ops and FunctionalModel ), since those are integrated part of the ODABA run-time library ( opa.dll ).