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Global classifcations

Classification allow defining categories, which applying on a set of object may divide this into a number of subsets (one for each category). Object in each subset belong to the category associated with the subset. When a classification is used to classify objects of different types, it should be defined as global classification.

In order to create a new classification, click on the classification label in the tree and select Insert . The the tree insert dialog pops up where you have to enter the classification name.

Classifications may define hierarchical categories, i.e. each category may be divided into subcategories etc. In order to create categories or subcategories for a classification, you click on the classification or category in the tree and chose Insert from the context menu. After entering a unique category name one may select the hierarchy level in the insert dialog and confirm. Numerical values for categories are created automatically, but are not of interest during the terminology work.

In the data model, classifications correspond to enumerations. When upgrading a terminology model object type to a complex data type, classifications automatically become enumerations.