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Error classes

Error classes describe errors for a system package. ODABA errors refer to different error classes.

Errors are usually logged in the error.lst, a log-file with the format

(yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss) Type ErrorType () ErrorNumber (): class :: function ( ErrorDescription ())

The file has a fixed column formatting for better readability in text editors. For tailing the file in a console it is useful reformat it first.

Error files are written to the file error.lst in the directory to which the TRACE option or environment variable refers. When no TRACE option has been set, the error log is written to the TEMP directory according to system conventions.

In order to reproduce application errors, one may register all changes in an activity log, which may be used for re-running the steps performed within a session (see Option Reference ).


  1. p_err - ODE Tools errors
  2. ogui_err - GUI framework errors