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Create expected data

Expected data are one or more files, that contain the expected test results. All files in the expected directory (Merged expected list) will be compared after running the test with files having the same name in work_area/data . Theoretically, expected data should be created before running the test, but practically, this becomes nearly impossible in many cases and later we will see a more practical way for creating expected data. Nevertheless, there is a way to create expected data files within TestBrowser or within the file system. Expected data for a test case has to be added to the expected directory below the test case. Usually, expected data cannot be shared and will be provided for each test case separately. In general, however, expected data could also be provides for a number of test cases in a common parent test suite. When no expected directory has been created so far, the expected directory has to be created. Select an entry below the expanded test case (e.g. data) and click