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ADKS_Tab - Tab controls

Inherits:  ADK_Style

A tab control is a complex control, which refers to a number of tab controls, which are arranged on different tab pages. ODABA tab controls consist of three parts, which may be arranged in different ways.

  • Tab bar - contains the tab labels, which might be clicked in order to change the visible tab window.
  • Static area - is an area, which is always visible. The static window control is the one, which is defined on level 0.
  • Tab window - are the windows, which are visible depending on the selected tab. Tab windows require an explicit level number greater 0 or -1 for automatic order, i.e. in the order as being defined in thetab control.

The tab window level has to be defined in the field definition ( ADK_Field :: ADK_Style :: ADK_ContextStyle ::display_level ). The appearance of the tab control depends on the tab style settings ( fixed_area, position, shape ).
