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Layout :: read - Read font and color properties

The font properties are read from the font resource in the resource database with the name passed in sName . Those may differ from the font settings for the control currently connected with the font. In order to get the current font settings for the connected control, one may call layout() .

The font and colors read from the resource database does not automatically apply to the control. In order to apply the font to the control, setLayout() has to be called.

Return value:  Layout reference ( odabagui::Layout & )

The layout object contains layout information for controls and data items.

Implementation details

odabagui::Layout & Layout  :: read ( odaba::String &sResource )

The font with the name passed in sName is read from the resource database.

  • sResource - Name of resoure

    "ok_button"        // button in the current window

    "address.street"   // line edit in the address subwindow

    ".name"            // line edit in the upper control (window)